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Healthcare Roundtable

April 19, 2021 - 6 minute read

Catherine Sinardi, Ed.D. MFT

Concordia University Irvine’s Director of Healthcare Programs Dr. Catherine Sinardi participated in a Q&A with Healthcare Professionals for the Orange County Business Journal. Take a look at her answers, extracted from the full OCBJ article

新冠肺炎疫情为解决长期存在的问题提供了新思路和新思路. How has the pandemic accelerated some of your initiatives?

Securing a wide variety of internships, capstone projects, 长期以来,临床场所一直是康考迪亚大学欧文分校医疗保健项目的重点. The pandemic restricted access to hospitals and other healthcare settings, and a limited number of students secured remote internships. 重新构想实地考察为学生探索新的和不同的途径提供了更大的灵活性,以获得宝贵的经验. 我们的护理学生通过虚拟模拟和虚拟病人护理继续他们的学习时间. 我们发现了无数远程专业发展活动的选择, 包括为我们的学生和来自全国各地的行业专家举办虚拟研讨会.

在这场危机中,我们将重点转移到解决社区卫生需求上,为我们的学生带来了宝贵的现实经验. Examples include conducting contract tracing, participating in community health education, and helping with COVID-19 testing, vaccine distribution, operations, 以及我们大学健康中心和大型疫苗接种点的行政工作.

在过去的20年里,我们看到与心理健康治疗相关的耻辱感有所减少. 你认为未来5-10年人们对心理健康污名的看法会发生什么变化? How will the workforce be impacted by these changes?

For most Americans, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant levels of stress, triggering new or worsening current mental health challenges. Factors including social distancing restrictions, changes in family dynamics, job loss, financial insecurity, safety concerns, confusing health messages, illness, and death of loved ones, have led many to experience feelings of grief, loss, isolation, uncertainty, loneliness, anger, fear, and psychological distress. Reports of suicidal ideation, self-harming behaviors, domestic violence, and substance abuse have risen during the pandemic, 同时还有焦虑症和抑郁症症状的增加. 这些与心理健康斗争的共同经历将继续提高人们的认识,并有助于减少这种耻辱.

Healthcare professionals are experiencing burnout at alarming rates, 造成劳动力短缺和不利的身心健康结果. 雇主必须通过创造更好的支持资源,优先考虑员工的心理健康, nurturing self-care, 实施促进幸福和减少工作压力的变革.


随着我们继续应对COVID大流行及其对医疗保健的影响, what do you see as trends and major issues facing us in 2021?

随着远程医疗等数字技术的加速发展和人工智能的使用, 学术机构将需要为医疗保健专业的学生准备新的劳动力. Adapting coursework, funding research, 增加以科学为重点的基于体验的学习机会, use, development, implementation, and evaluation of digital health technologies is a priority. 未来的医疗保健领导者需要熟练利用数字解决方案来解决差距问题, create more efficient workflow processes, enhance patient care, and drive better health outcomes for our communities. The pandemic initiated unprecedented collaboration across sectors, communities, organizations, and industries. 竞争对手和意想不到的盟友联手抗击COVID-19危机, resulting in rapid and extraordinary innovation. 协作学习方法现在在医疗保健教育中是必不可少的,以培养在日益减少的强健生态系统中茁壮成长所必需的技能
health disparities, advance health equity, promote healthy communities, and transform the future of healthcare.

Orange County has long been noted for healthy living. Yet, despite this image, 我们乳腺癌等疾病的发病率超过了全国平均水平. 再加上人口老龄化,我们将面临另一场医疗危机. 我们如何把更多的精力放在健康和疾病预防上,以确保一个更健康的未来?

2019冠状病毒病危机表明,协作对于推动创新和改善社区健康至关重要. Stakeholders from multiple sectors, industries, disciplines, communities, 具有不同观点和专业知识的系统联合起来解决难以想象的挑战, driving sustainable improvements in health. Communities united by assisting neighbors, creating resources to help essential workers, raising funds for those in need, and finding creative ways to connect with one another. 然而,大流行也凸显了深刻的社会差距和卫生不平等. 共同努力处理和更好地了解我们社区中健康的社会决定因素,对于改善整体健康和疾病预防至关重要. 对健康差异的根本原因进行全面的流行病学研究,将导致有针对性的干预措施和改进的健康促进战略, providing pathways to optimal health for all. 目前坚定不移的承诺和协同合作的势头必须继续创造创新的解决办法,利用卫生文化,促进我们社区的卫生公平.

How is your organization involved in the local OC community?

服务是嵌入在康考迪亚大学欧文分校的使命,并在各级和大学的活动中培养. 许多课程整合了服务学习,学生俱乐部和运动队定期执行社区服务项目. ConcordiaCares, a student-run program, 通过与组织合作,为当地社区提供服务的机会,建立可持续的志愿者项目,并就当前的社会正义问题教育我们的校园. Concordia University Irvine also hosts ConcordiaServes, an annual day of service for students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and donors to dedicate their time to serve others in any way they choose. Last year, on one day, over 1,000名康考迪亚大学欧文分校家庭成员以各种身份进入社区服务. Throughout the year, 医疗保健专业的学生聚集在一起,为改善社区生活的组织筹集资金. Additionally, 医疗保健专业的学生被要求在改善社区健康的组织中做志愿者.

Concordia University Irvine’s School of Health and Human Sciences 是否致力于培养那些致力于为邻居的健康和福利服务的学生. 我们培养跨学科学习,使学生成为医疗保健领导者和管理人员,为不断发展的行业的需求做好准备.

Learn more about our programs: B.A. Healthcare Management, B.S. Kinesiology, Accelerated B.S. Nursing, Master of Healthcare Administration, Master of Public Health, M.A. Coaching & Athletics Administration, M.S. Coaching & Exercise Sciences.

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