
欧文康考迪亚大学 Celebrates Grand Opening of Music, Worship & 神学的建筑

2019年10月13日 - 4分钟阅读

崔老师 & 工作人员和朋友们为BMC开幕剪彩

Opening of the Borland-Manske Center is the university's newest building



Nearly 800 people were in attendance to witness the final step to the completion of 欧文康考迪亚大学这是中国(CUI)的最新建筑, Borland-Manske中心(BMC), home of the university’s Music Department and Christ College School of Theology and Church Vocations. 在坐.10月. 5 students, faculty, and alumni gat在这里d together to bless and dedicate the new building.

The dedication ceremony included reflections by Theology Christ College faculty and speeches by elected officials. "It's been an honor seeing 欧文康考迪亚大学 grow from that little Lutheran college on a hill to what it is today,加州参议员奥巴马说. 约翰Moorlach. A ribbon-cutting followed the ceremony symbolizing the official completion of the building. Inside, self-guided tours and performances by various 肯考迪娅 ensembles then ensued.

The naming distinction commemorates the vision of 肯考迪娅’s founding President, Rev. Dr. Charles Manske and the philanthropic generosity of Mike and Caryn ’85 Borland of Orange, CA.

37,500 square foot space is composed of two wings—one home to the Music Department and one home to Christ College School of Theology and Church Vocations. The Borland-Manske Center serves as the intersection of musical tradition and theological foundation, 路德宗信仰的核心价值观.


肯考迪娅 Borland Manske中心录音室

A new recording studio has also found a home in the Borland-Manske building’s music hall. “肯考迪娅's new studio was designed by John Storyk of New York-Based Walters-Storyk设计集团 (WSDG) who is quite possibly the world's preeminent acoustician and studio designer,” said CUI Professor of Music and Director of Commercial Music Steve 你ng. In addition to designing educational recording complexes for NYU and Berklee College of Music, WSDG has played an integral role in the creation of acoustic designs for NYC’s Jazz at Lincoln Center, 以及阿黛尔等知名艺术家使用的工作室, 艾丽西亚·凯斯和Jay Z. “While CUI is fortunate to partner with such a prestigious studio designer, the students are the real beneficiaries as they get to learn and grow in a world-class facility!”

The 1,110 square foot recording studio will be used as a recording, teaching, and rehearsal space. Given 肯考迪娅’s proximity to the Los Angeles music industry, the space will provide a venue for students and alumni to grow and gain professional for the workforce.  Both choral and instrumental ensembles will use the professional recording studio, as will the Music Department’s newest major program--Commercial Music.

The main floor of the Music building is composed of an orchestra hall, 合唱排练厅, 打击乐器的房间, 钢琴教学室. The top floor will also accommodate practice rooms and faculty studios for special practice and instructional tutorials. The lower floor houses a live recording room with three isolation booths, 控制室, 教室, 开放式办公套件, 教师办公室, 事件空间, 还有会议室和分组讨论室.  The studio will be tied into the orchestral and choral rehearsal rooms, 允许多个合奏同时记录.

The Christ College Wing of the building is home to 肯考迪娅’s school of theology, 教堂的职业, 哲学和平面设计课程. 更新教室, 会议室, offices and a dedicated library for theological works help comprise this wing. The newly dedicated library for theological works includes a broad range of important and engaging sources on a wide range of theological topics.

“A great advantage of having the library located in the Christ College wing of BMC is that students using the library are close to the faculty who are teaching their courses, so they can ask questions or engage in discussions that they would not have if they had to consult these works in the general library,基督学院副院长崔先生说. Dr. 大卫·卢瓦.

学生 practicing and using the new recording studio in the BMC

肯考迪娅 Borland Manske中心录音室

New technology-enabled 教室 in the wing also expand the student’s capacity to learn and supplies professors with new possibilities to work. “A number of the rooms in Christ College are equipped for active video conferencing for distance education. 就在今天下午, I taught a class in which my students were in a BMC room while I am away at a conference out of state. That's a true blessing,” said Professor of Theology and Dean of Christ College Rev. Dr. 史蒂文•穆勒. With 肯考迪娅 being the only university that provides a bachelor’s and master’s degree for Directors of Christians Education online, this technology can help boost this program and connect professors with their students around the nation.

The Borland-Manske Center addresses the need for modernized 教室, 演讲大厅, 排练大厅, and office growth and expansion as original facilities have aged since 1976 when the campus was built. The rise of enrollment in music degree programs is another reason for the construction of the new building. 



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