


The Department of Education has created a database for students to manage their Federal education loans. 请点击 在这里 将被带到联邦学生援助(FSA)网站. 您必须使用您的FSA ID登录. Included in the database are all Federal student loans received from any post-secondary institution attended. FSA网站包括任何用于补充教育费用的私人贷款或其他贷款. Parent PLUS loan data is also included in the FSA database and 将 be found under the parent’s name using the parent’s FSA ID.

These resources are curated by the 金融援助 office to assist you in your post-education debt-management needs.



Loan exit counseling is an online tutorial created and required by the Department of Education. You must complete exit counseling when you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. The purpose of exit counseling is to ensure you understand your student loan obligations and are prepared for repayment.



通过完成退出咨询, 你将在放学后了解联邦学生贷款的支付情况. The Department of Education also recommends a repayment strategy that best suits your future plans and goals.


The Department of Education has created a database for students to manage their Federal education loans. 请点击 在这里 将被带到联邦学生援助网站. 访问需要学生的FSA ID. Included in the database are all Federal student loans received from any post-secondary institution attended. FSA网站 包括任何用于补充教育费用的私人替代贷款. Parent PLUS loan data is also included in the FSA database and 将 be found under the parent’s name using the parent’s FSA ID.



斯塔福德和PLUS贷款总是支付给你 贷款服务机构 (不是你就读的大学). 要了解谁在为您的贷款服务,请点击 在这里.

教育部提供了几种还款计划选择. 有关联邦学生贷款偿还方式的信息,请点击 在这里.

在你联系你的贷款服务商讨论还款计划之前, 你可以使用教育部的 贷款模拟器 to get an early look at which repayment plans you may be eligible for and see estimates for how much you would pay monthly and overall.


Private | Alternative loan payments are remitted to the lender you originated the loan with. If you have taken out loans with multiple lenders you 将 have to make separate payments to each (unless you consolidate them). 还款条件通常在贷款开始时确定. 另外, t在这里 is no central database that tracks all of your private loans like t在这里 is for Federal student loans.

如果你不确定贷款的还款条件是什么, 立即与贷款人联系. Also check your mail and email as your lender 将 likely be trying to make contact with you. DO NOT ignore your lender as doing so 将 lead to delinquency and could negatively impact your credit.



将你的贷款余额分解为每月至少50美元的还款,最长可达10年. In general, this is the plan that 将 cost you the least amount of money in interest payments. 完整信息请单击 在这里.

如果你现在的收入很低, 但随着时间的推移,它会稳步增长, 这个计划可能适合你. 付款开始时很低,每两年增加一次,最长可达10年. 重要提示:本科毕业的你 与选择标准还款方式相比,你需要支付更多的利息. 完整信息请单击 在这里.

扩展允许您将还款期限从10年“延长”到最多25年. 重要提示:下延伸你 与选择标准还款方式相比,你需要支付更多的利息. This plan works best for borrowers whose loan burden is too large to bear the standard monthly payments over the course of just 10 years. 完整信息请单击 在这里.

Income-Based Repayment (IBR) is designed to reduce monthly payments to assist with making your student loan debt manageable. 如果你需要减少月供,这个计划可能适合你. 要符合IBR资格,您必须有部分经济困难. 你有一个 部分经济困难 if the monthly amount you would be required to pay on your IBR-eligible federal student loans under a 10-year 标准还款计划 是否高于根据IBR规定你每月须偿还的款额. Your payment amount may increase or decrease each year based on your 收入 and family size. 一旦你有资格申请IBR, you may continue to make payments under the plan even if you later no longer have a 部分经济困难. 重要提示:根据收入基础(IBR)你 与选择标准还款方式相比,你需要支付更多的利息. 完整信息请单击 在这里.

The 量入为出 Repayment Plan helps keep your monthly student loan payments affordable, and usually has the lowest monthly payment amount of the repayment plans that are based on your 收入. 重要提示:低于工资,因为你赚你 与选择标准还款方式相比,你需要支付更多的利息. 完整信息请单击 在这里.

Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR) takes into consideration annual 收入 and family size as well as the total loan amounts. 如果贷款余额在25年后仍然存在,则可以免除. 与IBR计划不同的是,借款人不必面临财务困难就能获得资格. This plan may be best for those borrowers who are not facing demonstrated financial hardship, but whose financial situation is insufficient to bear the monthly payments under other repayment plans. 重要提示:根据收入(ICR)你 与选择标准还款方式相比,你需要支付更多的利息. 完整信息请单击 在这里.

Income-Sensitive allows borrowers to pay a monthly amount that takes annual 收入 into consideration. The length of the repayment period is up to 10 years and the balance is not forgiven at the end. 重要提示:在收入敏感的你 与选择标准还款方式相比,你需要支付更多的利息. 完整信息请单击 在这里.


大多数贷款机构不提供还款选择. 还款条件通常在贷款开始时确定 (ex: 5, 10, 15 years). 如果你不确定贷款的还款条件是什么, 立即与贷款人联系.





大多数贷款机构不提供还款选择. 还款条件通常在贷款开始时确定 (ex: 5, 10, 15 years). 如果你不确定贷款的还款条件是什么, 立即与贷款人联系.



贷款合并是将一个或多个贷款合并成一个新贷款的过程. 整合 can simplify repayment by centralizing your loans into one bill and could lower monthly payments by giving you up to 30 years to repay. 合并你的贷款确实有风险也有好处. 在你提交申请之前,一定要花时间研究一下它的利弊. 有关程序的详细信息和启动应用程序,请单击 在这里.


Private Student 贷款 cannot be consolidated with Federal Student 贷款 however Private Student 贷款 may be consolidated into one new Private Student Loan. 与联邦整合一样,风险和收益并存. 取决于你的信用, 收入, outstanding debt and market rates you may be able to attain a lower interest rate than the average of your current private loans. 在你确定巩固你的私人学生贷款之前, 花些必要的时间去购物, 比较了, 了解利率是固定的还是可变的,并考虑风险和收益.

银行列表: 点击这里.


了解拖欠贷款是如何造成问题的, 违约意味着什么以及违约的后果. 看看教育部怎么说 在这里.


A deferment or forbearance allows you to temporarily postpone making your student loan payments or to temporarily reduce the amount you pay.


完整信息请单击 在这里.


延期或延期的机会因贷款人而异. 如果你在支付每月的私人学生贷款方面有困难, contact your lender immediately and inquire if a deferment or forbearance is an option for you. 不要忽视你的贷款人,如果他们试图联系你. Be upfront with them about your situation so they can best assess what options you may be eligible for that can help you.


In certain situations, you can have your federal student loans forgiven, canceled, or discharged. Learn more about the types of forgiveness and whether you qualify due to your job or other circumstances by clicking 在这里.


2022年4月6日.S. Department of Education (ED) announced an initiative—called “Fresh Start”—to help eligible borrowers in default. “新开始”是美国政府的一个一次性临时项目.S. Department of Education that offers special benefits for borrowers with defaulted federal student loans.

如果你的违约贷款符合条件, “新开始”会给你带来很多好处, 包括获得联邦学生援助和信用报告变更. 你也将有机会摆脱违约,并长期保持福利. However, you need to act to claim the full benefits of Fresh Start and get out of default.

“新开始”时期将于2024年9月30日结束. 在此日期之后,您将无法申请这些福利.

欲了解更多信息,请点击“重新开始计划” 在这里 或者去 联邦学生援助网站.

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